Kiss originalgitarrist Ace Frehley föredrar sololivet framför band.
Frehley säger, ”I like running my own life now. One of the things that made me crazy when I was in Kiss was being at the mercy of Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, who were like workaholic. They wanted to tour constantly and record constantly, over-merchandise the brand, and that made me crazy.”
Han fortsätter, ”I’m not a kid any more. Touring constantly can be very exhausting. I don’t want to put myself in that position, so I’m happier with what I’m doing now.”
”I’m having more fun now than I was way back then because now, in a sober state, I remember what I do. That’s a nice feeling, to wake up the following day and remember what you did the day before. It wasn’t like that for a long time.”