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Power metal bandet Angband från Iran släpper sitt tredje album Saved From The Truth den 28 september via Pure Steel Records. Angband lovar att att det nya albumet kommer vara minst lika tungt som de föregående men en smula mer melodisk. Låtlista Saved From The Truth: 1. Seasons Of My Pain 2. Fight For Life 3. Man Of The New Time 4. Saved From The Truth 5. Angel 6. Persia 7. Kill The Hatred 8. Fearless Dream 9. Bitter Truth

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Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford har uttalat sig om låtskrivandet inför det kommande albumet som följer upp Nostradamus från 2008. Halford säger, ”A tremendous amount of material has already been accumulated for the new CD, with the band currently ramping things up to get back into full writing and recording mode”. Judas Priest kommande album markerar debuten för bandets nya gitarrist Richie Faulkner som ersatte K.K. Downing 2011. Halford säger, ”As we were proceeding on this world tour, Richie was taking this little mini-studio into his dressing room and we could hear him riffing away. It’s going to be really…

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Lamb of God’s sångare Randy Blythe har gjort ett uttalande om sin tid i det tjeckiska fängelset samt hur framtiden kommer se ut. Här kan du läsa uttalandet i sin helhet: Greetings. This is D. Randall Blythe, checking in from my beloved hometown of Richmond, VA, United States of America. I was recently released on bail from Pankrác Prison in Prague, Czech Republic, after over a month of incarceration. Now that I am out for the moment, I would like to say a few things. 1. While in prison, I had minimal knowledge of how my case was viewed anywhere…

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Det tyska thrash metal bandet Destruction släpper sitt nya album Spiritual Genocide i november via Nuclear Blast Records. Bandet firar 30-årsjubileum. Bandet kommenterar, ”The drum recording for the upcoming Destruction album, Spiritual Genocide, is finished! Vaaver did an amazing job on the fastest Destruction album in history!”

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Det tyska death metal bandet Fragments Of Unbecoming är klara med sitt femte album The Art Of Coming Apart som släpps i slutet av 2012 via Cyclone Empire. Enligt bandet kommer albumet innehålla åtta brutala death metal låtar samt två instrumentala. Låtlista The Art Of Coming Apart: 1. The Art Of Coming Apart 2. Barren And Bleak 3. Four Winters 4. Hours Of Suffering 5. Memorial Stone 6. A Silence Dressed In Black 7. Sundown (instrumental) 8. Trapping The Unseen 9. Seasons Of Tranquillity 10. Fathomless (Epilogue)

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Proggbandet Coheed and Cambria från New York släpper ett konceptalbum uppdelat på två album kallat The Afterman. Det första albumet, The Afterman: Ascension släpps den 8 oktober via V2/Everything Evil och det andra albumet kommer februari 2013. Bandets frontman Claudio Sanchez kommenterar, “This is without a doubt, the most honest record I’ve ever written. Though all the songs can be interpreted through our main character in the story, they were initially written in a very spontaneous manner. In the past, I’ve always had a predetermined idea of what the story was going to be when I approached the songs. With…

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Bluesrockarna ZZ Top släpper sitt nya album La Futura den 11 september via American Recordings. Albumet producerades utav gitarristen Billy Gibbons och Rick Rubin. Gibbons kommenterar, “We thought long and hard about what this album should be. We wanted to recall the directness of our early stuff but not turn our backs on contemporary technology. The result of this melding of the past and the present is, of course, La Futura.” Låtlista La Futura: 1. I Gotsta Get Paid 2. Chartreuse 3. Consumption 4. Over You 5. Heartache in Blue 6. I Don’t Wanna Lose, Lose, You 7. Flyin’ High 8. It’s…

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Death metal bandet Beheaded från Malta släpper sitt nya album Never To Dawn den 6 november via Unique Leader Records. Albumet spelades in i Temple Studios i Malta och mixades i 16th Cell Studio i Rom, Italien. Bandet kommenterar, ”We’re really enthusiastic to see the album finally coming together. Musically, we held to our roots and delved into those areas that define the Beheaded sound. The sound is making justice to the songs and captures the feel we wanted to project. All songs entail a common concept — the water element, which in turn reflects Beheaded’s Maltese origins. Artwork and lyrics are a continuation…

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Incubus frontman Brandon Boyd har sagt att bandet planerar på att ta en paus efter den pågående Honda Civic Tour. Han sa, “As far as Incubus right now, we’ll probably take another break. Hopefully it won’t be as long (as the five-year wait between If Not Now, When? and Light Grenades) but what we’d like to do is arrive with the best of intentions and try to create music from a sense of urgency as well as purity and not necessarily based on a schedule.”

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Metal bandet Kittie från Kanada släpper samlingsalbumet Not So… Safe den 11 september via eOne Music. Not So… Safe innehåller låtar från albumen Spit (1999), Oracle (2001), Safe (2002), In The Black (2009) och I’ve Failed You (2011). Låtlista Not So… Safe: 1. Brackish 2. Charlotte 3. Spit 4. Paper Doll 5. What I Always Wanted 6. Run Like Hell 7. Safe 8. Into The Darkness 9. Look So Pretty 10. Cut Throat 11. My Plague 12. Do You Think…

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