Författare: CrankItUpCrew

Doom metal bandet Orchid från San Francisco släpper sin nya EP Heretic den 7 september. EPn markerer första släppet hos nysignade bolaget Nuclear Blast Records och kommer finnas tillgängligt digitalt samt vinyl. Orchid’s gitarrist Mark Baker kommenterar, ”Late in 2010, after we submitted the Capricorn full-length to our label and waited for the release, we realized that there wouldn’t be any extensive touring, so we just kept writing and rehearsing new material. A few months later, we were back in the studio cutting basics for new songs. By the time we finished the business of changing labels, we had way more than…

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Svenska goregrind legendarerna General Surgery släpper sin nya EP Like An Ever FLying Limb i höst via Relapse Records. EPn som består av fem låtar spelades in oktbober 2011 i Audiogrind Studio, Stockholm. General Surgery’s Dr. Carlsson kommenterar, ”These five splatter-dripping tunes are designed to deeply disturb all mere mortals, be it the poor departed in the bowels of the morgue or some unfortunate soul catching us playing live during the festival season.Please hold on to life and limb.”

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Doom-metal legendarerna Trouble från Chicago rekryterade sångaren Kyle Thomas i Februari efter att Kory Clarke hoppat av. Bandet har postat följande meddelande på sin Facebooksida, ”Kyle has been writing vocal melodies and lyrics to the new Trouble songs and is just about ready to go to begin laying down his vocals on the new Trouble album (by the way, he sounds awesome). Friday we go back to the studio to start putting final guitar tweaks down. Almost there now…” Bandets gitarrist Bruce Franklin har uttalat sig om Kyle, han sa, ”We didn’t need to change any of the new music to…

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Datum: 27 juli 2012 Bolag: Nuclear Blast Thrashlegendarerna Testament är tillbaka med sitt tionde album Dark Roots Of Earth. Testament ses som det femte bandet i The Big 4 (Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax), den enda skillnaden är att Testament inte släppt ett enda dåligt album jämfört med sina kollegor, de har alltid varit trogna thrashgenren samtidigt som de lyckats modernisera den med varje nytt album. Dark Roots Of Earth är inget undantag, det här är klassisk thrash i modern tappning. Texterna är vad man kan förvänta sig av ett thrash album, väldigt aggressiva med fokus på krig, Armageddon, hat, död…

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Frank Zappa’s musik kommer snart finnas tillgänglig digitalt. Zappa’s familj har gjort en deal med Universal Music Enterprises att återsläppa 60 av Zappa’s album. Zappa’s änka Gail Zappa kommenterar, “The ink is not yet dry on The Zappa Family Trust’s worldwide deal with Universal Music Enterprises. It is a win-win for all of us, but mostly for Frank Zappa. Long may his baton wave. We are so ready to go.” Bruce Resnikoff, högsta hönset på Universal Music Enterprises kommenterar, “The artist and composer, Frank Zappa, is one of the most important and influential artists in music history with his prolific…

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Det brittiska rockbandet Muse släpper sitt sjätte album The 2nd Law den 18 september. Albumomslaget föreställer en karta över hjärnans nervceller i neonfärg. Bandets sångare/gitarrist Matt Bellamy kommenterar The 2nd Law, ”We’ve basically tried to do what Rage Against the Machine did with hip-hop in the 1990s and take a bit of the electronic world and dubstep and play it with real instruments. There’s only one track like that, the rest of it is very, very diverse.”

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Metalbandet A Life Once Lost från Philadelphia släpper sitt sjätte album Ecstatic Trance den 16 november via Season of Mist. Albumet spelades in i Planet Red studios i Richmond, Virginia tillsammans med producenten Andreas Magnusson (The Black Dahlia Murder, Impending Doom). Bandets sångare Bob Meadows kommenterar, ”It’s going to be a beast of a record and fans can expect a little more honesty both musically and lyrically with an amalgamation of the ALOL signature style and some other surprises that have yet to be over played within the metal community. We are making this record because we enjoy the art…

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Kiss släpper sitt tjugonde album Monster den 16 oktober via Universal Music Enterprises. Låtlista Monster: 1. Hell Or Hallelujah 2. Wall Of Sound 3. Freak 4. Back To The Stone Age 5. Shout Mercy 6. Long Way Down 7. Eat Your Heart Out 8. The Devil Is Me 9. Outta This World 10. All For The Love Of Rock & Roll 11. Take Me Down Below 12. Last Chance 13. Right Here Right Now

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Svenska bluesrockarna Graveyard släpper sitt nya album Lights Out den 26 oktober via Nuclear Blast Records. Bandets trummis Axel Sjöberg kommenterar, ”The title Lights Out sums up the feeling of the new album, and a feeling that we have. That these times that we live in are strange times, where no one really sees anything straight/the way they are.” Han fortsätter, ”We all know that both we and pretty much everyone was really excited about the cover of Hisingen Blues. So we had to come up with a really strong idea to match the strength of that cover. It’s just about finished now,…

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Jane’s Addiction planerar på att börja skriva material till ett nytt album så fort de har blivit klara med turnén för senaste albumet The Great Escape Artist. Bandets sångare Perry Farrell kommenterar, “I’d like to give it a six-month window and just get another Jane’s record out, coming off the heels of The Great Escape Artist. I think that’s the way to do it for us. I don’t think we’ll wait eight years to do another record.”

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