Författare: CrankItUpCrew

Metal bandet Jackyl från Georgia släpper sitt nya album Best In Show den 31 juli via Mighty Loud Entertainment. Albumets första singel Screwdriver kommer finnas tillgänglig via iTunes redan nästa vecka. Låtlista Best In Show: 1. Best in Show 2. Encore 3. Screwdriver 4. Horns Up 5. Golden Spookytooth 6. Cover of the Rolling Stone 7. Walk My Mile 8. Favorite Sin 9. Better Than Chicken 10. Don’t Lay Down On Me 11. Eleven 12. It’s Tricky

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Englands moderna thrash hjältar Sylosis är klara med sitt nya album Monolith som släpps den 7 september via Nuclear Blast Records. Sylosis sångare samt gitarrist Josh Middleton kommenterar, ”Some people might not have expected us to come out with a new album so quickly but we already had a few songs written for this album by the summer of 2010. We’ve spent as much time writing this album as any of the others and I think we’re all the most proud we’ve ever been. Monolith is the best representation of us as a band in terms of our diverse influences and stylistically it’s…

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Sveriges egna Bullet släpper sitt nya album Full Pull den 14 september via Nuclear Blast Records. Albumet spelades in i Gutterview Recorders i Solna tillsammans med producenten Nicke Andersson (Hellacopters, Entombed, Imperial State Electric) och Fred Estby (Dismember). En ny singel, Full Pull släpps den 13 juli via Nuclear Blast Records. Låtlista Full Pull: 1. Midnight Oil 2. Full Pull 3. Running Away 4. All Fired Up 5. Rolling Home 6. In The Heat 7. High On The Hog 8. Rush Hour 9. Freeriding 10. Gutterview 11. Warriors 12. Get On (Bonus)

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Cradle Of Filth gick nyligen in i Grindstone Studios i England tillsammans med producenten Scott Atkins (Sylosis, Gama Bomb) för att påbörja mixningen av bandets tionde album som släpps i höst. Bandets sångare Dani ”Filth” Davey säger, ”The album has now progressed into the mixing stage, with nothing more than the choirs and female vocals to be scraped into the smelting pot. All the music and my vocals have been committed (as have their protagonists!) to the greater picture and it all sounds truly amazing, rest assured worrisome warts, with the final two songs, Succumb To This and Nightmares Of An Ether Drinker,…

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Chilenska death metal bandet Thornafire släpper sitt tredje album Eclipse Nox Coagula den 30 juni via Australis Records. Bandets gitarrist Victor Mcnamara kommenterar, ”This is an ugly and twisted album. Personally I haven’t stopped to listening it on my way to my miserable office work. As part of the release of this new album, we will be touring in Europe playing in many festivals, these intensive shows of Latin malevolent death metal, will be supported on drums by Sebastian Rojas (a.k.a. Chupete). Han fortsätter, ”We hope people enjoy our ’manufactured in a workshop’ death metal made away from the bored current era…

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Svenska death metal veteranerna Grave släpper sitt tionde album Endless Procession Of Souls den 27 augusti via Century Media Records. Albumet spelades in i Grave’s egna Studio Soulless. Pressmeddelande: ”Endless Procession Of Souls promises to be yet another death metal masterpiece in Grave’s revered catalog, featuring nine tracks of uncompromising no-bullshit death metal, flawlessly executed by the sole survivors of the real legendary Swedish Dödsmetal scene. Endless Procession Of Souls combines the brutality of Grave’s last two studio albums with the groove of Soulless and — of corpse — a lethal dose of Into The Grave darkness.” Låtlista Endless Procession Of Souls: 1. Dystopia 2. Amongst Marble…

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Metal bandet All That Remains är nästan klara med sitt kommande album A War You Can Not Win som släpps i september via Razor & Tie/Prosthetic. Sångaren Phil Labonte kommenterar, ”We really busted our asses and tried to do some new stuff (like we always do) and we’re really happy about what came out of it. Some of it is pretty different and is REALLY gonna blow you guys away. Some of it is gonna sound just like what you expect from All That Remains. And I’m sure all of it is gonna make the internet have a conniption fit! Release is…

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Slipknot’s grundare samt trummis Shawn M. Crahan även kallat Clown har uttalat sig både om Slipknot’s kommande greatest-hits album Antennas To Hell och förlusten av Paul Gray. Om greatest-hits albumet säger Clown, ”The songs were put in a certain order by us, so you get a very unique listening experience; it’s like its own piece of art. Not even a machine could do that. Also, I spent two months on the CD booklet. You don’t just get a little piece of paper that goes inside the album cover. You get a huge booklet of some sculpture, photographs and theory that kids…

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Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong har beskrivit bandets kommande trilogi projekt, iUno! ¡Dos! ¡Tré! som en galen idé. Musikaliskt är det powerpop men Armstrong säger även, “We wanted something punchier, more power pop – somewhere between AC/DC and the early Beatles. The last two records were studio albums. This one – we started rehearsing every day, constructing these songs together. It felt like we were all in a room jamming – everyone in the mix, throwing out ideas. If you listen to it, it feels grand. But it also feels like a garage band.” Albumen iUno! ¡Dos! ¡Tré! kommer släppas…

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Bluesrockarna Rival Sons släpper sitt nya album Head Down den 17 september via Earache Records. Rival Sons frontman Jay Buchman kommenterar, ”We took a lyric from one of the songs that exemplified the process of making the record. Head Down comes from the term ’Keep your head down and keep on swinging.’ I thought it was fitting and it works perfectly with the album cover.” Låtlista Head Down: 1. Keep On Swinging 2. Wild Animal 3. You Want To 4. Until the Sun Comes 5. Run From Revelation 6. Jordan 7. All The Way 8. The Heist 9. Three Fingers…

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