I september går Metallica in i studion för att påbörja arbetet av sitt nya album som förmodas släppas under 2013. Än en gång står Rick Rubin för producentrollen.
Metallica’s trummis Lars Ulrich har sagt under en presskonferens på Outside Lands Festival att album nummer 10 är på väg. Ulrich sa, ”Every time James Hetfield picks up a guitar, there are some brilliant riffs that come out of it, and I try to make sure that they are all recorded and try to do my best to keep up with them and try to put some drums in behind them. So there are, obviously, tons of ideas sitting around waiting to be had at in terms of turning ideas of James’ into songs. Pretty much when we’re done with the 3D movie project and with Outside Lands, which should all be wrapped up by early September, we’re gonna basically just concentrate on new music and try to get another Metallica record done.”