Browsing: Engel

Engel, Abandon All Hope Gain/Sony Music Släpps den 11 maj Sveriges metal-stad nummer ett visar återigen framfötterna när Göteborgsbandet Engel…

Gain Music Entertainment Släpps den 28 november Under 2012 släppte det Göteborgbaserade industrimetalbandet Engel sin tredje skiva, Blood of Saints.…

“So this is it, my time in Engel is over. I’m not going to rant about the who’s and why´s, just say goodbye. I have had a lot of good times and I am sad to leave it behind, but that’s how it goes sometimes.
It´s not a farewell forever, I’m not going to quit music.
I´m going to miss the boys on stage, the people in the crowd and all the good friends I have met on the road.
To the boys on stage: Good luck with all future adventures.
To the crowd: Stay true, I will miss you.
And to the “roadsters”: See you again soon.”