Doom-metal legendarerna Trouble från Chicago rekryterade sångaren Kyle Thomas i Februari efter att Kory Clarke hoppat av.
Bandet har postat följande meddelande på sin Facebooksida, ”Kyle has been writing vocal melodies and lyrics to the new Trouble songs and is just about ready to go to begin laying down his vocals on the new Trouble album (by the way, he sounds awesome). Friday we go back to the studio to start putting final guitar tweaks down. Almost there now…”
Bandets gitarrist Bruce Franklin har uttalat sig om Kyle, han sa, ”We didn’t need to change any of the new music to suit Kyle’s vocals. He really knows how to sing to Trouble stuff because he was a fan from way back.”
Kyle tillägger: ”They had given me four songs to work on when I was jamming with them in anticipation of possibly doing the album that came to be Simple Mind Condition. I did demo one song, but nothing I did ever made it to the album. Things turned out the way that they have between then and now, and here I am.”
Han fortsätter, ”Bruce and Rick Wartell (guitar) have always been great to me as people and business partners. I was made to feel an equal back then, and the same goes for now. That is monumental for me — I grew up listening to these guys and now I am a member of one of my favorite bands. You can’t beat that.”