Dave Dalone hoppar av H.E.A.T för att satsa på nya saker i sin musikaliska karriär. Bandet kommer att fortsätta spela vidare som ett femmannaband och det betyder att det inte kommer någon ersättare. HEAT meddelar också, via sin hemsida, att de fortsätter att planera världsherravälde med nya skivor och turnéer.
Nedan går att läsa Daves egna ord om sitt beslut.
“I’ve always been a great fan of melodic rock. For me, H.E.A.T started out as the passion project of my dreams, and turned into the great and strong melodic rock band that it is today.
I want to thank each and everyone involved and all of the great fans that made this journey possible for me. I have been to places, met so many nice people, experienced great moments that will stay in my heart forever.
I leave this band because, I have always believed in the fact that you should always stay true to your heart and follow your dreams, no matter what! I still have great faith in H.E.A.T and nothing but love for all of the members in the band, they will always be my brothers
Thank you everyone and Keep on Dreaming.
– Dave Dalone”