Författare: CrankItUpCrew

Punkrock legendarerna Bad Religion har påbörjat inspelningen av sitt sextonde album som ännu inte har någon titel. Albumet spelas in i Joe Barresi’s (The Melvins, Queens Of The Stone Age, Parkway Drive) JHOC studio och blir producerad utav bandet själva.

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Rockbandet INXS från Australien firar 25-årsjubileum med att återsläppa deras genombrottsalbum Kick i september. Tillsammans med albumet kommer även outgivna bilder samt text utav den karismatiska sångaren Michael Hutchence som gick bort 1997 Bandets manager Chris Murphy kommenterar, “It’ll be an amazing, super-duper package. There’s stuff that was recorded with Michael for Kick that didn’t go on the album.”

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Slash har uttalat sig om Guns N’ Roses debutalbum Appetite For Destruction som firade 25-årsjubileum lördagen den 21 juli. Slash säger, ”Appetite is not what you’d call a favorite record of mine. I never even thought of it that way. It’s a good record, but, to me, it’s still that record that we made at the time when all that shit was happening. I mean, when we recorded those songs, it was just what we were doing at the time, and so I still look at it that way. I don’t see it as being the big record that other…

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Folk metal bandet Eluveitie från Schweiz firar 10 år med att återinspela deras första EP Vên samt återsläppa debut albumet Spirit. Denna samling kommer gå under namnet The Early Years och släpps den 17 augusti via Nuclear Blast Records. Eluveitie’s sångare Christian ”Chrigel” Glanzmann kommenterar, ”The Early Years will give both old and new fans access to the very first steps in Eluveitie’s history. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already! Speaking of that, to celebrate our 10-year anniversary (2002-2012) we wanted to offer you something special. Therefore we have decided to re-record the tracks of our first EP, Vên! We…

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Det melodiska death/black metal bandet Norther har släppt följande meddelande: ”We hereby announce after a long and careful consideration that we have decided to quit Norther. ”During the last year, it has become clear that we are not able to tour or do shows as much as we would want to, this being due to members’ complicated and time-consuming life situations. We have been forced to find session members and turn down too many gig offers. We simply cannot act as an active and working band and it is clear that these issues are not solved in the future. ”This…

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Rush’s gitarrist Alex Lifeson blickar framåt när det kommer till bandets musik men är sorgsen över att album inte längre är det primära musikformatet. Lifeson säger, ”We grew up with albums, and for us, the album was always the thing. We’ve never been a singles band. We’ve released singles, sure, and we’ve had some moderate success with some, but we’ve never been that kind of band. So yes, I’m sorry to see the album and everything it represented go. It was like a book, and now you’re buying chapters that don’t always relate to the whole book.” Lifeson tyckte det…

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Staind’s sångare Aaron Lewis avslöjar att bandet planerar på att ta en paus nästa år. Han säger, ”The touring that we’ve done this year has been good. We’ve got this next tour and we might do something next year and then we’re going to take a little break for a second. We’re not breaking up. We’re not gonna stop making music. We’re just going to take a little hiatus that really hasn’t ever been taken in our career. We put out seven records in 14 years. We’ve been pretty busy.” Lewis första soloalbum The Road släpps den 11 september och produceras utav…

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Mötley Crüe’s gitarrist Mick Mars har nyligen uttalat sig om huruvida saker har förändrats i hans liv nu när han är över 60 år gammal, Mars säger, ”Lots of things change. One doesn’t. I’m still no gentleman. I’m still as big an asshole as ever. Lewd and aggressive.” Han fortsätter, ”But honestly, there’s one thing that’s really different for me … Being sober. And it’s really helped. The playing is better. The songs are better. There are some people who drink their whole lives. But thankfully, I was just like, ’Ah, I’m over this shit. Over the drug thing. Over the…

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U.D.O.’s konsert den 16 november 2011 på Hristo Botev Hall i Sofia, Bulgarien blev professionellt filmad och släpps som CD/DVD/Blu-ray under namnet Live In Sofia den 28 september via AFM Records. Bandet kommenterar, ”The audience was absolutely fantastic and forced us to play for nearly 2 hours and 30 minutes. More than 2,000 fans welcomed back us after 7 years and pushed everybody over his personal limit. Sofia was absolutely great and we will never forget this show. To make sure all the fans can participate of this great event, we will do everything to release the DVD/CD/Blu-ray as soon as possible.”…

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Aerosmith’s gitarrist Brad Whitford har nyligen uttalat sig om huruvida bandet höll på att splittras tack vare allt drama mellan Steven Tyler och resten av bandet de senaste två och en halv åren. Han säger, ”We were looking at all sorts of options. We were at odds with Steven. He had made it clear to us that he wanted to work on his own solo thing for a while. And then he signed on to American Idol. We felt a little bit left in the lurch. We wanted to go out and make music. We felt maybe we could go…

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