Författare: CrankItUpCrew

16/5-2012 Street Symphonies Vi har en långhelg framför oss, en röd dag att njuta av dagen efter denna kväll på Club Asylum på Pub Anchor med de punk-rockande dalmasarna i Vietcong Pornsürfers som kvällens underhållning. Med andra ord kan ingenting gå fel. Varenda gång VCPS besöker vår kära huvudstad för att låta oss njuta av deras energiska liveshower blir det trångt, svettigt och blåslaget. Igår var inget undantag. Jag var inte precis ensam om att förstå att detta skulle bli en av de bästa kvällarna på hela året. Redan från tidigt på kvällen är en stadig ström av folk på väg…

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Blues-rockarna Rival Sons är klara med sitt nya album som ännu inte fått någon titel. Den följer upp Pressure & Time från 2011. Gitarristen Scott Holiday kommenterar: ”We have officially completed and turned in our next full-length record. We thought we might give ourselves a bit more time to work this time around, as opposed to the 20 days for Pressure & Time… BUT, it was even MORE crazy this time. Everything was finished in about the same amount of time (22 days), but this time we are giving much more music (a much longer record) — nearly twice that of Pressure…

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Hardcore/metal veteranerna Vision Of Disorder (V.O.D) släpper sitt nya album The Cursed Remain Cursed senare i år via Candlelight Records. Vision Of Disorder’s frontman Tim Williams har uttalat sig om albumet, ”This record is vintage V.O.D., but we’ve all grown as musicians and individuals since the last stuff we released. It’s pretty diverse. You’ve got songs like Blood Red Sun that are among the most forward-thinking, progressive things we’ve ever done, while still being real vicious — but there are some straight-up numbers too, like Hard Times and Loveless. Lyrically, it’s coming from a pretty dark place, falling into the…

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Slash har uttalat sig om sin relation till den bortgångna popkungen Michael Jackson. Slash säger, ”Michael, I only knew him, for the most part, on a professional level. I don’t even think… When he attempted to be any closer than that, I even allowed it. ’Cause it was just too crazy. There’s being famous and then there’s being that kind of famous. And that’s a crazy world to be in, because you have no sense of reality. . . I was close enough at that point, ’cause Guns N’ Roses was probably the biggest stadium rock band at the time, and then you…

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Det norska dark metal bandet Aeternus börjar spela in sitt kommande album And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth i juni och beräknas släppas i slutet av 2012. Frontmannen Ares kommenterar: ”Time seems to just pass by without you realizing. Although Aeternus hasn’t seemed to be very active recently, I have been writing and working on new material, and we have chosen ten tracks for the new album which we have been rehearsing ready for when we enter the studio. I’m not going to say much about them except that Phobos and Specter have brought their own approach to things without losing any of…

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Fozzy’s frontman, tillika WWE wrestling stjärnan Chris Jericho har spelat in det sista av sången till bandets kommande album som släpps i slutet av året via Century Media Records. Jericho säger, ”This is by far the best singing I’ve ever done, on the best record of our career. It’s only a few more months until you all get to hear it!” Fozzy’s gitarrist Rich Ward kommenterar albumet, ”Although every band says ’this is the best thing we’ve ever done,’ I can honestly say that this new album is going to blow everyone away. It’s the epitome of who Fozzy is as a band and…

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Det svenska death metal bandet Sargatanas Reign har meddelat att Tomas Lindberg (At The Gates, Skitsystem, The Crown, Lock Up) kommer gästa på kommande albumet Godwork. Bandet kommenterar, ”This man has been around for many years and is still going strong! He has done so much in his career and made important contributions. And what an amazing job he did for us! His voice is like a rusty chainsaw which leaves no one untouched!” Andra gästframträdanden på albumet är bland annat Joakim Göthberg (Dimension Zero, Marduk), Mathias Lillmåns (Finntroll, The Iniquity Decent, Magenta Harvest) och Roberth Karlsson (Scar Symmetry).

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Black Sabbath’s trummis Bill Ward har lämnat följande meddelande på sin hemsida: ”Dear Sabbath fans and fellow musicians, ”I sincerely regret to inform you that after a final effort to participate in the upcoming Sabbath shows, a failure to agree has continued. At this time I have to inform you that I won’t be playing with Black Sabbath at the Birmingham gig dated May 19th, 2012, nor will I be playing at [U.K.’s] Download [festival] on June 10th, 2012. Further, I will not be playing at Lollapalooza [festival] on August 3, 2012. ”It is with a very sad heart that I bring you this news.…

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Testament släpper sitt nya album Dark Roots Of Earth den 27 juli via Nuclear Blast Records. Testament’s frontman Chuck Billy kommenterar albumet, ”We [recorded] it at our place in Oakland and at Trident Studios and Andy [Sneap, producer] came out and did all the recordings with us — as much as he could — and then we finished off some vocals and guitars at Trident Studios. I think over the years Andy really knows the sound of this band, and kinda knows what we want. We’ve mixed stuff with Andy, so I think he knows without has having to be there physically with him what we…

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