Författare: thundermother

What a blast it has been to have the girls play in my home country, IRELAND! The support we received was amazing and the ’craic’ was mighty! Lots of Guinness and potatoes (also known as ’spuds’) were consumed!! A big huge thank you to all my amazing friends and family for all the support last weekend and not only then but always! Mammy Cunningham made sure we were well fed so with our bellies full we said goodbye Belfast and hello Scotland! Here we are in my bedroom (girls on tour!) and with my parents before we said farewell!…

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Arrived in IRELAND yesterday. Me myself and Tilda went in 1st class. We have never done this before. We were happy to get free champagne woho! Even if it was 8 o clock in the morning haha! We didn’t sleep much. Finally arrived in DUBLIN we met up with the other girls flying in from Gothenburg. We went to famous TEMPLE BAR and had 1 pint of Guniess each (and some lager and more Guiness after that) and saw this amazing singer perform lots of covers. We met Clare parents and had lovely dinner (and more beer) in the evening.…

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Awoke to what appeared to be a very loud phone conversation from the room next door… very tired we tossed and turned to the fastest, loudest spanish person speaking on the planet. I Swear!  I yelled out to be quiet (’cállate’) but no such luck (he probably couldn’t hear me through the walls of his own voice let alone the walls of the hotel) so after what seemed like an eternity I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to take matters into my own hands!With one eye open, eye mask on top of my head, and drumstick pjs (girl got…

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San Sebastian. A beautiful town right by the sea. We got told Metallica and Korn visited this amazing village. Apparently they had the best food in Spain here according to a guy called David i met the day before, after our show. I still haven’t had any good tapas so I was hoping to catch some here. But I didn’t this time either haha. But I had a lot of good red wine.  People were smoking weed watching the show so my clothes smelled after the gig. It was a bigger kind of venue with two support bands that were…

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We woke up in Barcelona on a shiny day. Apparently we were very lucky with the weather, local people told us this was the first nice day in a longtime. Hard to believe i think while I look at my arms and legs totally sunburnt from the day before on the beach…seriously i can cook eggs on them!!Over our caffe con leche and croissant (typical spanish breakfast) the next morning we recall on the memories of a great rock n roll night. Hard Buds were the opening band. Straight forward rock n roll band, very friendly and polite guys with…

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Hi there!   Finally arrived in Barcelona and today we been walking around in the city, awesome! Went to the beach, Filippawas the only one that jumped in for a swim we others warmed up in the sun. Burned us like hell. Popped by a resturant for a break (hard life….) and drank some mojitos and sangria.   TONIGHT: Sala Rocksound, Barcelona! See YOU there! /Linda           

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Tjena!!! Skitkul att vi ska blogga här på Crank it up under vår Spanienturné! Nu har vi äntligen packat väskorna! Vi har lyckats klara oss med en väska var denna gången. Här kan ni alltså följa Thundermother ända till vårt gig på Sweden Rock Festival. Här är några av giggen i maj och fler kommer tillkomma. THE ROCK’N’ROLL DISASTER TOUR May 1 – BARCELONA, Sala Rocksound, ES May 2 – ZARAGOZA, Sala Utopia, ES May 3 – SAN SEBASTIAN, Sala Doka, ES May 4 – MONZON (HUESCA), Sala Serjos Rock, ES May 6 – LEGANES (MADRID) Sala Twister, ES May…

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